
Our Approach
Our organisation is helping dancers to achieve their full potential by teaching them a clean postural alignment of the all ballet positions and movements with an artistic focus.

Dancers will achieve their full potential by breaking their limiting beliefs
Our organisation, Inspiral Ballet, helps dancers to achieve their full potential by teaching clean postural alignment for all ballet positions and movements, principally with an artistic focus. This helps dance students break their limiting beliefs by rewiring neurological patterns into a positive mindset with a mindful approach.
How do we do this? By applying mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry and other sciences in a holistic way, allowing the nervous system to unleash new pathways that will aid the manifestation of beauty, simplicity and accuracy of movement for the Inspiral Ballet student with the added benefit of an awakened consciousness.

Pioneering thinking to give individuals the ability to think in and outside the box
We encourage students to develop their personality and individuality and use this as a foundation for their welfare and future career.
Progressive Understanding:
Pioneering thinking to give the individual sufficient emotional intelligence to think inside and outside the box.
We are training dancers to have artistic qualities built upon a solid technique: to develop perfectly-formed bodies with exquisite, exacting placements.
Widen Our Thinking:
We widen our views, experiences and expertise in classical ballet by engaging and exchanging information with international ballet communities.
We promote high standards of discipline for the body and mind with a conscious, mindful outlook.
We aim to encourage and contribute to the formal educational system by producing well balanced individuals.

We provide students with dynamic tools that allow them to change and transform their mind, body, and movement
The thinking body in motion
A rare opportunity to explore movement through the nervous system using your senses to acquire the wisdom of ballet technique movement and technique.During the course you will be able to understand:
- The relationship between the mind and body
- How communication in the nervous system works
- How feelings and sensations translate into movement
- Control of body functionality in motion
- Techniques to improve balance and estability
Understanding how to master the nervous system to improve movement.
This will be a jam-packed workshop plus you will be provided with written information to take away. A certificate for your participation will be issued with your name for the claim of the full three hours of CPD (continued personal development).
Book you place soon, as we only have limited places available. Spaces are £55.00 per person payable through our website Inspiral Ballet.

Our dancers are guided through their journey with compassion, kindness, love and respect as human beings
What is Ballet?
Ballet is an art form that re-creates reality through carefully-selected ideas that are aligned into phrases of movements, perfectly synchronised and expressed with colours, time, tones of music and gestures in space.
Where does Ballet originate?
Ballet originated in Italy during the Renaissance period (c1400-1600) and quickly travelled on to the royal court of France, through the infuence of Catherine de Medici and later by Louis the XIV, who founded the very first ballet academy.
In the Seventeenth Century, ballet transformed from simple court dances to Ballet comique de la Reine to Ballet d’action. Later, this expanded form of ballet spread across the rest of Europe, Russia and the Americas.
Today the art of Ballet is rigorously practised and compels captive audiences throughout the world.

Students are encouraged to develop their personality, individuality and use this as a foundation for their welfare
How Early Should Dancers Start Training?
Dancers can start their training as early as three years old where they are introduced to the art form in an inclusive, fun and accessible environment, in order to advance their creativity, musicality, coordination and various forms of discipline. It is at the age of nine when the body’s nervous system establishes neurospinal connections with the limbs. Students of this age group are able to focus their full attention for longer periods of time, commanding their bodies to perform more complex forms of exercises and movements.When do girls go on pointe?
Most girls start using pointe shoes between the ages of ten and eleven after a rigorous strengthening of the body and feet that allows full development of all muscles and ligaments. Which supports the longevity of the dancer’s physical health.
Boys in Ballet
Ballet gives boys a tremendous amount of discipline physically and mentally. It expands their emotional intelligence as well as building strength, endurance, musicality, concentration, flexibility and a sense of balance.
How long does it take to become a professional dancer?
Most dancers training lasts for eight years, the first five years at vocational level, where the majority of movement vocabulary is learnt. Then a further three years that trains and enhances the ballet vocabulary of steps and linking steps, through the most complex choreographies in preparation for their professional dancing careers.

We promote a high standard of discipline of the mind and body with a mindful outlook. …………………………
Vocational Training
Ballet lessons for Vocational and pre-professional level
We ofer group lessons divided into age, physical and ability level. That covers all aspects of the technical and artistic elements of ballet, carefully designed to make students understand their bodies anatomically. Trusting their senses to instinctively understand how the inner and outer body works whilst enjoying the process and directing their bodies safely. Individual lessons are directed to strengthen and improve the core stability, muscles, ligaments and joints. Once placement is achieved and the body is consciously aware of this, we then focus on cleaning technique from the most basic to the most complex steps, getting progressively more challenging. Note that we respect the natural, physical development of the individual student and their health and safety.
Floor barre and fexibility classes
Floor barre classes are designed to increase fexibility, coordination, strength and control. The classes also improve alignment of the spine, hips and turn out. When the body is in a supine transvelsal, frontal or a sajital plane it’s fully supported by gravity. It is easier for dancers to accelerate the kinectic connections with the neurological system and the rest of the body at a deeper level. Therefore the range of movement in joints and ligaments enhance alongside fascia adjustment. The fexibility of the body is the fexibi lity of the mind. Therefore we are teaching the mind to establish a connection with the nervous system to unlock tension points passively. Once the pathways are established then we carefully introduce ballistic, isometric and static stretching providing dancers with strength and fexibility.
Coaching Repertoire
Repertoire is one of the most enjoyable parts of ballet. Dancers are able to express their capabilities, talents, skills, expertise, feelings and emotions during the execution of a solo variation, a pas de deux or corp de ballet. We provide them with the artistic tools to synchronise beauty and technique by placing every gesture into the historic literature content, artistic period, musical rhythm, choreographical phrase, emphasising that technically every step is clean, pure and virtuous.

We are widening our views, experiences, & expertise in classical ballet by engaging & exchanging information with the international ballet community.
Artistic Expansion
Inspiral ballet treats every student as an individual. That’s why we advise pupils and parents on a wide range of global options, carefully designed to meet their specifc needs, synchronising their dreams and ambitions with a realistic presentation of destination options for their future careers.
We help individuals construct a clear plan to work towards their career goals, taking into consideration their training, abilities and aspirations.

Building awareness of the metabolic relationship between nutrition and energy levels. …………………….
Many dancers do not have the understanding of how food affects their intensive training. Inappropriate nutrition can have adverse effects on the body’s natural growth, physical longevity, endurance and stamina. As a consequence of bad nutrition, such dancers are more receptive to injuries, aches, pains and other internal damage.
We advise all our dancers at Inspiral Ballet on how to get the right amount of nutrients that will enhance their vitality, conserve energy and allow them to sustain stronger and healthier bodies. Giving recipes, ideas and food combinations that will help them understand what is best for their body before, during and after training.

We offer a wide variety of workshops covering systemic functionalities of the body and it’s interconnection to a wide variety of sciences. .. ……………
Teachers’Technical Anatomy Workshops
To facilitate the comprehension of movement and their intricacies to a deeper level, teachers need a perceptive knowledge of the human body as a whole to be able to apply it to their students bodies and their technical ballet challenges.
Teachers must look at all the sciences of nature for answers: from the most basic laws of physics to the more complex anatomical kinetic movements.
Inspiral Ballet offers a tailor-made workshop programme for teachers that are interested in going beyond what the eye can see and into more scientifc aspects of anatomy. By dissecting the musculoskeletal system before, during and after each movement and applying the diferent laws of physics to answer every-day questions in the studio, we can carefully structure the geometric alignment of the body, connecting it to the universal laws of mathematics, and finally allowing students to dance safely and securely from within.
Support Us
Inspiral Ballet is committed to producing a series of videos for educational purposes that benefit students, teachers, choreographers and dance practitioners worldwide with information that could be applied in everyday settings towards the advancement of Dance. With your help and support, we can materialize our dreams to bring new information to the dance community.
Any DONATIONS of WHATEVER SIZE will make a difference to the Future of Inspiral Ballet Education. Any support you can offer will be greatly appreciated and welcome.